Detecting topological order from modular transformations of ground states on the torus


Topological phases of matter offer a promising platform for quantum computation and quantum error correction. Nevertheless, unlike its counterpart in pure states, descriptions of topological order in mixed states remain relatively under-explored. Our work gives two definitions for replica topological order in mixed states, which involve $n$~copies of density matrices of the mixed state. Our framework categorizes topological orders in mixed states as either quantum, classical, or trivial, depending on the type of information that can be encoded. For the case of the toric code model in the presence of decoherence, we associate for each phase a quantum channel and describes the structure of the code space. We show that in the quantum-topological phase, there exists a postselection-based error correction protocol that recovers the quantum information, while in the classical-topological phase, the quantum information has decohere and cannot be fully recovered. We accomplish this by describing the mixed state as a projected entangled pairs state (PEPS) and identifying the symmetry-protected topological order of its boundary state to the bulk topology. Using this formalism, we enumerate all the possible mixed state phases which result from applying a local decoherence channel to the toric code. In addition to the classical-topological phases that have been previously reported on, we also find mixed states exhibiting chiral topological order. We discuss the extent that our findings can be extrapolated to $n \to 1$ limit.

Zhuan Li
Zhuan Li
PhD candidate in Condensed Matter Physics